Mission Statement
The National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) was established in 2008 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) in cooperation with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) to recognize elementary students in both public and non-public elementary schools for their outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated personal responsibility, to provide meaningful service to the school and community, and to develop essential leadership skills in the students of elementary schools. NEHS is a club for 4th and 5th grade students.
Important Information
NEHS Core Principles
Scholarship means a commitment to learning. An NEHS member is willing to spend time in reading and study, knowing the lasting benefits of a cultivated mind. We all must continue to learn even when formal education has ended, whether at the end of the school day, the school year, or our educational career, for education ends only with the end of life. Knowledge is one great element in life which leads to the highest success, and it can be acquired in only one way-through diligence and effort. Learning furnishes the lamp by which we read the past, and the light that illuminates the future. Members of NEHS are challenged to continually expand their world through the opportunities inherent in scholarship.
Responsibility is our commitment to do what we say we are going to do. It is our obligation for doing what is right when faced with the temptation of doing wrong. Responsibility is an expression of our concern for our family. We work in a responsible manner at school to achieve our academic goals. When playing sports, we are responsible to the team by always competing with our best effort and displaying good sportsmanship. Our responsibility to our community is displayed through acts of good citizenship, respecting the laws, culture and traditions of our part of the world. NEHS members demonstrate responsibility at home, at school, and in the community and serve as role models for our peers. We accept these new responsibilities with pride.
Service is a priority. In our day-to-day lives, many opportunities arise to perform service, helping others to do what they cannot do alone. This willingness to work for the benefit of those in need, without monetary compensation or the expectation of reward, is the quality we seek in our members. We are committed to the idea of volunteering our time and abilities to the creation of a better tomorrow for us all.
Leadership means exerting a positive influence on the school at all times. A student leader takes the initiative in class and in school activities, striving to train and aid others to reach their goals. The price of our leadership is sacrifice-a willingness to yield our personal interests for the interest of others. A leader has self-confidence and will go forward when others hesitate. Leadership is needed in many aspects of our lives; thus, to lead is another important challenge to each of our members.
Membership Criteria/Application Information
Membership Criteria
In order to be considered for membership, students must show good leadership skills, excellent citizenship, and demonstrate academic excellence with the following:
You have made all A’s and/or B’s on your 4th or 5th grade report card.
You have not received a discipline referral from 3rd grade to present.
Have not received any N’s or U’s for Conduct on your 4th or 5th grade progress reports.
You have an excellent attendance record during your 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade year (this includes no more than 10 absences/10 tardies/10 early dismissals) for the year.
You demonstrate scholarship, leadership, character, and citizenship.
You have completed 5 hours of community service over the school year (with club sponsor).
Application Phases and Packet
Application Phases
Phase 1: Analysis of academic requirements
Phase 2: Assessment of character, citizenship, & leadership of students who meet academic requirements- Teacher & Principal sign eligibility form of the application
Phase 3: Students who meet the high expectations of both phase 1 & 2 will receive an application packet, attend an introductory meeting, and submit an essay (see NEHS Packet for details)
Phase 4: Application & essay are evaluated by NEHS Leadership Council
Phase 5: Invitation of induction given to qualifying students