About Us

Mission Statement

Okeechobee Achievement Academy is committed to providing our students a positive, stimulating, and safe learning environment that promotes the development of individual responsibility, acceptable social skills, and academic growth. Upon returning to their former schools, students will be able to make appropriate decisions and experience success in completing their education.

OAA Student Office Sign Up


Academic Resources


  • Plato- Home Page -

    Plato Courseware is built on standards-based online learning program grounded in a tradition of solid research, sound pedagogy, and applied innovation.

  • I Ready -

    Built for the Common Core, i-Ready combines a valid and reliable growth measure and individualized instruction in a single online product that saves teachers time at a fraction of the cost of similar products.

  • Study Island -

    Study Island’s high-impact, high-value K-12 learning programs provide proven academic support through practice, immediate feedback, and built-in remediation to improve students’ performance in core skill areas

  • Reflex Math -

    The world's most effective math fact system …and the most fun
