Out of Field Teachers

Okeechobee High School Out Of Field Notification
A teacher is considered out of field when the teaching assignment falls outside the area of Florida certification that the teacher holds. Florida Law states that a teacher must complete a minimum of six semester hours or 120 in-services points in the out of field certification area to be eligible to teach out of field in succeeding years. If the requirement is completed through six semester hours of college coursework, an official transcript must be submitted to the District Office upon completion.

The time frame for completion is one year from the first day of the out of field assignment. A teacher maycontinue to teach in the out of field assignment in succeeding years as long as the out of field course requirements for that assignment have been met. Teachers holding a 3 year temporary teaching certificate may apply courses to the out of field annual requirement which are also being completed for the Professional Preparation area of the five year certificate.

Teachers who are out of field for the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) requirement have not yet taken the required semester or equivalent in-service hours to meet the state mandated minimum as assigned to their certified subject area. (Ranges between 18 – 300 hours) The Reading Endorsement is a new requirement from the state for all ESE and ELA (English) teachers. A teacher out of field in this area may continue in this area if they are taking the required certification courses during the school year.

Below is the Board Approved list of Out of Field Teachers at Okeechobee High School.