Attendance Policy

Students shall be counted in attendance if they are actually present at school at the time the attendance is taken or are away from school on a school day and engaged in an educational activity that constitutes a part of the school-approved instructional program for the student (Section 1003.23, Florida Statutes).

Punctuality is necessary for a student to take full advantage of available educational opportunities. If a student has not arrived to Seminole by 8:10 am, he/she will be classified tardy. An early release is defined as any release prior to the regular dismissal time. Any student in grade K-8, who accumulates any combination of five (5) unexcused tardies and/or unexcused early releases (not including a documented medical/dental appointments or other authorized reason that constitute an excused absence), shall be deemed absent (unexcused) for one school day.

OCSB Attendance Manual