Curriculum & Instruction

Students working on school activity

Achieving Excellence Putting Students First

The Instructional Services Department oversees the curriculum and instructional programs delivered across all school sites in the Okeechobee County School District.  We strive to ensure that students are offered the best educational experience possible in our continuing mission to Achieve Excellence by Putting Students First.


Cassandra Keith

Director of Exceptional Student Education       

863-462-5000 ext. 1055

Britani Stanley

Coordinator of K-12 Accountability & Assessment

863-462-5000 ext. 1060

Heather Siler-Dobbs

Director of Grants & Special Programs 

863-462-5000 ext. 1066

Brent Stuart

Director of Student Services 

863-462-5000 ext. 1060

Andi Canaday

Director of Curriculum and Instruction

863-462-5000 ext. 1046     

Kathy Williams

Director of Mental Health and Behavioral Supports

863-462-5000 ext. 1099

Reproductive Health and Disease

Health Education

Health Department Curriculum
Pearson Science

Pearson Science
Physical Education

Health Sciences
Anatomy and Physiology
Agriculture Sciences